Showing 1–9 of 13 results
AGNI PURANA. Ed K.L.JOSHI.Sanskrit text widh English Translation of M.N.DUTTA 2 Vols (PARIMAL)
₹1,600.00 -
BRAHMAVAIVARTA-PURANA (VYASA) Sanskrit text with English Translation 2 Vols by K.L.JOSHI (PARIMAL)
₹2,500.00 -
KURMA PURANA (Widh an exhaustive Indtoduction.Sanskrit test,English Translation,scholary Notes and indes of varses.by S.K.SHARMA (PARIMAL)
₹650.00 -
LINGA PURANA (With and exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text, Engliish Translation, and Index of Verses. by V.C SRIVASTAVA (PARIMAL)
₹1,400.00 -
MARKANDEYA-PURANA (मार्कण्डेय पुराण ) Introduction, notes sanskrit test, English Translation. by K.L. JOSHI (PARIMAL)
₹800.00 -
MATSYA PURANA. 2 VOLS (With an exhaustive Introduction.Sanskrit Test,English Translation.scholary Notes and Index of verses) by S.L. NAGAR (PARIMAL)
₹1,600.00 -
SAMBA-PURANA (With and exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text, Engliish Translation, Notes and Index of Verses. by O.L.BIMALI /.K.L.JOSHI (PARIMAL)
₹500.00 -
SIVA PURANA. 3 VOLS ( widh an exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Test, English Translation and photographs of Archaeogical evidences) by K.L.JOSHI. (PARIMAL)
₹2,850.00 -
VAMANA PURANA-(With and exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text, Engliish Translation, K.L. JOSHI (PARIMAL)